20 Climate Promises that Nigeria has pledged to keep in 2022

Alex Emeka
August 29, 2024
 minutes read

In a grandstand against the climate emergency, the Federal Government of Nigeria established a list of short and medium-term achievements reach to significantly reduce the consequences of global warming.

Amidst all these promises we could find twenty that should be completed in 2022, and we will actively hunt. These environmental projects have major social and economic benefits.  Many of them are designed in fact to actively include women in the fight against climate change while generating employment.  The National policy document on climate change listed the promises as follows;

Ø  Train and support women as entrepreneurs in the water sector at the state and rural level

Ø   Cleaning up and installing hand pumps, wells and water mains in rural and urban areas.

Ø  Mobilize women's groups to establish tree nurseries and plant trees upstream to avoid dislodging sediment, and sand soil erosion and to improve water quality.

Ø  Conduct a gender assessment of the political and national waste management programs.

Ø  Strengthen the capacity of schools (Primary, Secondary, University) for waste management

Ø  Conduct advocacy from financial institutions and other government agencies to provide financial support to women to support their waste management initiatives.

Ø  Conduct research to evaluate the sensitivity to political kind, legislation and programs in the energy and transport sectors.

Ø  To produce information materials, education and communication (IEC) such as posters and flyers.  (Produced in the local language).

Ø  Create public awareness campaigns to discourage emissions and efficient use of energy.

Ø  Organize practical training for women in the construction of efficient wood stoves and small biogas stoves.

Ø  Training of community nurses to fight against diseases related to climate change.  

Ø  Train and employ more female health workers to meet women's health needs.

Ø  Conduct training on livelihood for women in three geopolitical zones.

Ø  Raise awareness among policymakers and health sector stakeholders on the links between health, climate change and gender.

Ø  Conduct capacity building on the integration of climate change and gender issues in the health sector for health sector agencies.

Ø  Conduct an assessment of the capacity of institutions at the federal and state of awareness and implementation of gender and climate change.

Ø  Conduct a baseline study on the agricultural infrastructure needs of men and women.

Ø  Strengthen the capacity of women and men in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating gender-sensitive programs / Agricultural and forestry projects.

Ø  Drive the strengthening of institutional capacity on gender budgeting.

Ø  Conduct advocacy and outreach to traditional and religious leaders to support women's right to land ownership.

According to the aforementioned document, the government is formally committed to achieving all of these projects (some of which have already started) by the end of 2022, at AdvoKC, we will keep you informed of the progress on the promises by closely monitoring their execution.