Dr. Alex Otti's Promise Reminder: Public Asset Declaration for Transparent Governance

Dr. Alex Otti, the Governor of Abia State, made a commendable promise to publicly declare the assets of all appointees and senior government officials, including himself.

Habib Sheidu
July 9, 2024
min read

Dr. Alex Otti, the Governor of Abia State, made a commendable promise to publicly declare the assets of all appointees and senior government officials, including himself. This commitment is a crucial step towards fostering transparency and combating corruption within the government. Dr. Otti acknowledges the significance of regular and routine asset declaration, ensuring ongoing accountability and discouraging self-enrichment at the expense of public welfare. By subjecting their assets to public scrutiny, officials are effectively deterred from engaging in corrupt practices.

Promise: All appointees and senior government officials, starting from myself, would publicly declare our assets for public scrutiny. This shall be a regular routine to curb the menace of corruption and self-enrichment from government coffers.

This initiative is not only praiseworthy but also serves as an inspiration for public trust and confidence, clearly demonstrating a steadfast dedication to serving the public interest. However, it has been more than 20 days since the inauguration, and no information regarding the asset declaration has been made available. Therefore, we would like to kindly remind Dr. Alex Otti to fulfill his promise.

By upholding this commitment, a culture of accountability can be established, instilling a sense of responsibility among government officials and ultimately benefiting the citizens of Abia State. The timely fulfillment of this promise will further enhance transparency and strengthen the bond between the government and its people. We eagerly anticipate the public declaration of assets as an important milestone in achieving transparent governance in Abia State.