Extreme heat, extreme cold. The damage of climate change is already visible

The earth has been experiencing extremely high temperatures in the last few years. This is particularly true of Northern countries; nations that are otherwise not used to this type of climate.

Alex Emeka
July 9, 2024
min read

The earth has been experiencing extremely high temperatures in the last few years. This is particularly true of Northern countries; nations that are otherwise not used to this type of climate.

How do we explain the increase? What are the dangers? Is there a way to remedy this?

Origin of the heat

These heat waves are the direct consequences of the uptick in air temperature, which itself is linked to the increase in greenhouse gas levels due to human and industrial emissions. This is a clear manifestation of climate change and its effects on the Earth’s surface living conditions. This is directly related to the increase in global temperature. Heat waves result from the passage of a mass of warm air overhead, and then the ability of the atmosphere to overheat day by day when this mass is more static. This is further enhanced by dry ground conditions, as currently seen in Western Europe and North Africa. This promises to be catastrophic in several ways.

What the heat portends for our planet

It is not going to get any better. We know that with global warming, extreme events will increase in magnitude and frequency. Heat waves may come earlier and later. We could see them in late spring and late summer. We also know that they could be longer. "What was exceptional will not be exceptional in 40 years," says Françoise Vimeux, director of research at the IRD in France.

According to expert forecasts, the rate of these heat waves will, at best, increase, and at worst, increase dramatically.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) only considers possible scenarios from the perspective of societal evolution. None of the scenarios considers an outright halt to greenhouse gas emissions as of next week.

If concrete measures are not taken and implemented immediately, we may be heading for an irreversible catastrophe.

Can we remedy the situation?

It cannot be said often enough: it is time to stop talking about it, and finally act. Every act in favour of preserving our environment counts. From socio-economic activism, to simply taking care of waste and energy consumption on an individual level, nothing is to be taken lightly. If we feel the effects of global warming in our everyday lives, we should adopt eco-responsible habits in our everyday lives.