Governor Peter Mbah's Promise Reminder: Transparent Governance and Accountability

In the spirit of transparency and accountability, Governor Peter Mbah of Enugu state made a bold promise in his manifesto.

Habib Sheidu
July 13, 2024
min read

In the spirit of transparency and accountability, Governor Peter Mbah of Enugu state made a bold promise in his manifesto. As we approach the end of June, the first complete month since his inauguration, it is essential to remind ourselves of the commitment he made to the people of Enugu.

Governor Mbah assured the citizens that his administration would prioritize the publication of monthly state accounts, as well as annual audited accounts, in a timely manner. This commitment aims to provide the public with a comprehensive understanding of the state's financial activities and ensure that the government's actions are open to scrutiny.

Furthermore, Governor Mbah pledged to establish a Budget Evaluation and Monitoring Committee consisting of members from non-governmental institutions. This committee's primary objective is to accurately capture revenues generated by the state and closely monitor how public funds are spent. By involving external stakeholders, the government aims to maintain an unbiased and independent assessment of financial matters.

As responsible citizens, it is our duty to hold our elected officials accountable for their promises. While Governor Mbah's administration is still in its early stages, it is important to remind him of the commitment he made to the people of Enugu. Transparent governance and accountable financial management are crucial for building trust between the government and its citizens.

Promise: We shall ensure the publication of monthly State accounts as well as annual audited accounts on timely basis. We shall also institute Budget Evaluation and Monitoring Committee that will have members from nongovernmental institutions, to accurately capture revenues generated and monitor how monies are spent.

We eagerly anticipate the fulfillment of Governor Mbah's promise in the coming months. The publication of monthly state accounts and annual audited accounts will provide us with insights into the financial health of the state. Likewise, the establishment of the Budget Evaluation and Monitoring Committee will serve as a mechanism to ensure the proper utilization of public funds.

Citizens of Enugu state have placed their trust in Governor Peter Mbah and his administration. By fulfilling this promise, he will not only demonstrate his commitment to transparency but also set a positive precedent for governance in the state. Let us remain vigilant and hold our elected officials accountable for their actions as we work together towards a brighter future for Enugu.