Living a less polluting life: Natural insecticides

Alex Emeka
July 9, 2024
min read

In our ongoing quest for a healthy lifestyle, it has become imperative to take a closer look at the products we use on a daily basis, and above all, their implications for our environment. The proliferation of toxic chemicals in our homes, whether through artificial insecticides or synthetic home fragrances, is giving rise to growing concern about the consequences for our health and the planet.

However, a glimmer of hope is emerging through an alternative approach, based on simplicity and respect for nature. In this article, we explore how individuals can play a crucial role in preserving their immediate environment by opting for more sustainable and natural solutions. By putting aside artificial insecticides and chemical-laden home fragrances, we can help create a healthier living space, while reducing our ecological footprint. Let's get back to the essence of nature to preserve our well-being and that of the planet.

In this first part of our series of articles on how to live a less polluting life, we're going to take a look at natural insecticides, because as you know, manufacturing, transporting and then using a chemical insecticide is toxic both for the environment and for ourselves.

Insects invade gardens and homes during the summer months. To reduce the nuisance, take a closer look at five recipes for preparing a natural insect repellent.


The environment is suffering from pesticides. These substances, which are the subject of much debate, are often chemical and are used to destroy one or more species in agricultural environments. Three of these pesticides are the most widespread: herbicides, used against weeds; insecticides, used against insects; and fungicides, used to destroy fungi. However, these processes have direct and indirect effects on nature. By eating insects contaminated by pesticides, living creatures not targeted by these products are in turn contaminated, disrupting the food chain over the long term. So, to get rid of troublesome species in your vegetable garden naturally, ID presents five ideas for more environmentally friendly repellents.  They are:


1.     Oil or soap sprays

To reduce the presence of insects in your garden, a mixture of vegetable oil and soap can work wonders. All you need is a cup of vegetable oil, a tablespoon of black or Marseille soap and 250 ml of water. Heat the water over a low heat, then add two teaspoons of the vegetable oil and soap mixture. All that's left to do is spray directly onto the plants.

The second recipe is similar, but targets a wide variety of invertebrates, including moths, aphids and beetles. To prepare it, mix one and a half tablespoons of liquid black or Marseille soap in 250 ml of water. Once the mixture is ready, apply it to the infested leaves early in the morning or evening.

2.     Tomato leaf spray

This quick and natural recipe calls for tomato leaves. They contain alkaloids that are harmful to insects such as aphids. To make it, you'll need 80g of chopped leaves, a liter of water and a teaspoon of natural washing-up liquid. Soak the tomato leaves in water for half a day, then blend the mixture and add the washing-up liquid. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and use it on the plants.

3.     Neem oil spray

Powerful and biodegradable, neem oil is a vegetable oil that can act as a powerful natural insecticide. In particular, it disrupts the different stages of insect development, such as eggs and larvae. This oil is biodegradable and is not toxic to animals or birds. To make it, mix two teaspoons of oil and one teaspoon of liquid Marseille soap in 250 ml of water. Once the mixture is ready to use, spray directly onto the leaves.

4.     Diatomaceous earth powder

To combat the invasion of ants, use diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous earth is a natural substance made up mainly of mineral silica. Effective and environmentally-friendly, it dehydrates the insects that prowl around plants. It's easy to apply: just sprinkle it around your plants. However, this operation should be repeated after each rainfall, as it loses its effectiveness when wet.

5.     White vinegar and bicarbonate spray

Ecological and economical, white vinegar is effective against aphids and ants. Mix one tenth of white vinegar with 900cl of water. Baking soda also prevents the growth of fungus in the garden. To prepare, mix one liter of water, 5 ml of bicarbonate of soda and 5 ml of liquid Marseille soap. Mix together in warm water and pour into a spray bottle for use.

All these methods are incredibly effective in reducing the nuisance of insects in your home and garden. However, we would like to point out that the main aim is to avoid polluting the environment and your body, while at the same time getting rid of insects. 

We're continuing on our way to help you lead a non-polluting life, and will also tell you how to make your home smell good without going through heavy, polluting industries.