Promise Reminder: The Commissioners of Health and Youth & Sports Must Be Female for Seyi Makinde to Keep His Promise

Promise: We will increase the number of women commissioners in the reconstituted Oyo State Executive Council from two to four.

Habib Sheidu & Adeleke Babatunde
July 9, 2024
min read

As Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State welcomes the 16 new commissioners into the reconstituted Oyo State Executive Council, a pertinent reminder arises of an unfulfilled promise from his "Omituntun 2.0"manifesto. During his campaign, the governor pledged to increase the number of women commissioners in the state's executive council from two to four. While we acknowledge the inclusion of two women in the recent appointments, it is crucial to ensure that Governor Makinde stays true to his word by appointing two more women to the remaining positions, specifically the two remaining slots that constitute the offices of the commissioners of Health and Youth &Sports.

Promise: We will increase the number of women commissioners in the reconstituted Oyo State Executive Council from two to four

 Promises made during election campaigns are not mere words but commitments that reflect the vision and values of a leader. Gender representation in decision-making bodies is essential for balanced and inclusive governance. With only two women out of sixteen commissioners appointed, there is still much room for improvement in the gender diversity of the state executive council.

 The Commissioners of Health and Youth & Sports hold critical roles in shaping the well-being, development, and future of the state's citizens. By ensuring that these positions are filled by competent and qualified women, Governor Makinde can demonstrate his dedication to women's empowerment and gender equality. Moreover, diverse perspectives enrich the decision-making process and lead to more effective governance that addresses the needs and concerns of all citizens.

 It is commendable that Governor Makinde has taken steps to enhance the state's executive council by appointing new commissioners. However, the journey toward fulfilling his promise to increase women's representation is not complete. As the two remaining commissioner positions are yet to be filled, we call upon the governor to uphold his commitment and select two capable women to occupy the posts of Commissioner of Health and Commissioner of Youth &Sports.

 By fulfilling this promise, Governor Makinde will set a positive example for other leaders, not only in Oyo State but across the nation. It is an opportunity to showcase the state's dedication to gender equality, which is a matter of fairness and a path to progress and development.

 We hereby remind the governor that Oyo State's citizens are watching and expect nothing less than the fulfillment of this Promise. As we move forward, we hope to see the Commissioners of Health and Youth & Sports being appointed with a clear focus on merit, competence, and, most importantly, gender inclusivity.