Restoring the Glory of Ogbunike Cave: A Promise Yet to be Fulfilled

PROMISE: Reactivate all inactive tourist sites and work with other independent travel tours to ensure they meet the international standards for travel destinations

Onyinye Edyson
July 13, 2024
min read

H.E., Governor of Anambra State, Professor Chukwuma Soludo promised to reactivate tourist sites in the state to ensure they meet international standard thereby promoting tourism and harnessing the economic potentials of the State's natural wonders. These tourist attractions, include the Ogbunike Cave, Odinari Museum at Nri, Ogba Ukwu cave and waterfall, Owerre Ezukala, and other similar sites. 

In our effort to verify the progress of this promise, AdvoKC’s trackers in Anambra state visited the site of the Ogbunike Cave and discovered that the site is active but the promise by the Governor is yet to begin implementation. During the visit and through our interactions with the tourist site’s staff, several noteworthy points were observed. 

The Ogbunike Cave is a tourist site of great importance and as a site of geological and historical significance, it has attracted tourists from far and wide. However, its current state leaves much to be desired. The cave, nestled within a valley surrounded by lush tropical rainforest, is located behind Ogba hills. The first glaring issue that our trackers noticed were the lack of proper means of transportation, aside from motorcycles. Tourists and workers alike have to rely on these motorcycles, and if visitors are not cautious about their timing, they could be left stranded for hours.

PROMISE: Reactivate all inactive tourist sites and work with other independent travel tours to ensure they meet the international standards for travel destinations e.g tourist attractions such as the Ogbunike cave, Odinari Museum at Nri, Ogba Ukwu Cave and waterfall, Owerre Ezukala

The workers at the site play a huge role in ensuring smooth operations and a pleasant experience for the visitors. However, they face difficulties in various areas. Chief among their concerns is the lack of a canteen/restaurant to provide meals for both the staff and tourists. The absence of proper dining facilities can be a significant deterrent for potential visitors, it leaves them with limited options for refreshments and sustenance during their visits affecting their overall experience.

Furthermore, the dire state of the toilets is a matter of concern. Visitors are met with poorly maintained facilities, some broken and without water supply. Such unsanitary conditions not only reflect poorly on the tourist site but also pose health risks to those who visit. Proper hygiene and sanitation facilities are a basic necessity that should not be overlooked in a site aspiring to meet international standards.

Additionally, the workers raised the need for proper working gear, including overalls and boots. The caves can be challenging to navigate, and equipping workers appropriately will contribute to their overall efficiency and safety. Also, hiring cleaners to maintain the environment's cleanliness and appearance would significantly enhance the site's appeal to tourists.

 Another pressing issue that demands attention is the difficulty in accessing the caves during rainfall. The steps leading to the caves become slippery, posing a safety hazard for visitors. Also, the railings used for support on the steps leading to the caves are in need of urgent maintenance. To tackle this problem, workers and visitors alike have expressed the hope that the government can implement cable cars or alternative means of transportation to ease movement in the area. The safety of the tourists should be a top priority, and addressing this concern will go a long way in achieving that objective.

Tour guides play a crucial role by providing invaluable insights and historical context to visitors exploring the caves. However, the lack of flashlights available for these guides creates an inconvenience, as tourists often have to rely on lights from their phones to navigate through the dark passageways. Providing proper lighting equipment to the tour guides will enhance the tour experience.

Despite the Governor's promise to restructure Ogbunike Cave, it is evident that significant challenges persist. To truly transform the site into an all-round tourist attraction, concerted efforts from the government and relevant stakeholders are necessary. Adequate maintenance, proper planning, and efficient implementation of improvement projects are vital in restoring the glory of Ogbunike Cave.

It is evident that the Ogbunike Cave requires immediate attention and investment to live up to its potential as a top tourist attraction in Anambra State. Governor Soludo needs to realize that his promise to fully develop such sites has to be acted upon to revitalize the tourism sector and stimulate economic growth in the state. Ogbunike Cave holds immense potential to be a world-class tourist destination, but its current state of affairs is deplorable. We implore the Governor to not let it remain on paper by fulfilling his promise.