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Oyo Progress Watch

Oyo Governor Seyi Makinde Promises at a glance


Current Promises' Tracked


Days in Office
Promise Kept
3 Promise(s)
1 Promise(s)
Promise Broken
5 Promise(s)
0 Promise(s)
In the Works
1 Promise(s)
Top Promises Tracked
Manifesto Promises

Governor Makinde's Citizen’s Enquiry Number Expansion Unfulfilled, Promise Broken

Promise: We will expand the 615 Citizen’s Enquiry Number to cover medical emergencies.

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Governor Makinde Fails to Meet Youth Appointment Pledge, Promise Broken

Promise: We will appoint three youths under 40 to serve in the reconstituted Oyo State Executive Council.

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Governor Makinde's 11 MW Power Project Faces Delay, Promise Broken

Promise: We will complete the ongoing 11 MW Independent Power Project (IPP) within the first year of being re-elected. This equals about 15-20% of the present average power distributed to residents of Oyo State from the national grid.

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Governor Makinde's Unfulfilled Pledge: Ibadan Cultural Centre Renovation Still Unstarted, Promise Broken

Promise: Within the first year of being re-elected, we will renovate the one-of-its-kind Ibadan Cultural Centre and have it ready for the first state-hosted cultural trade show. 

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Governor Makinde's Pilot Student Loan System Falls Short of Scope, Rated as Compromise

Promise: We will introduce the pilot of a state-backed student loan system within the first year of being re-elected

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Governor Makinde Fulfils Promise with Higher Capital Expenditure in Budget Proposal

Promise: We will continue the trend of ensuring that our capital expenditure is higher than the recurrent expenditure. We will aim for 55% CapEx at the end of our tenure.

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Governor Makinde Keeps Promise: Property Rights Bill 2023 Sponsored and Passed

Promise: We will sponsor a bill to reform and protect property rights and prevent the State from arbitrarily revoking land ownership within one year of being re- elected.

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Seyi Makinde Delivers: Support for Abuse Victims Expanded

Promise: We will expand the 615 Citizen’s Enquiry Number to accommodate a dedicated helpline for victims of domestic violence and children facing sexual or physical abuse in the State

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Engr. Seyi Makinde Delivers on Promise for Gender Inclusivity: Four Female Commissioners Sworn In

Promise: We will increase the number of women commissioners in the reconstituted Oyo State Executive Council from two to four

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Governor Makinde's Promise Broken: Iwo Road Bus Interchange Misses Completion Deadline

Promise: We’ll complete the Iwo Road and New Ife Road Bus terminals within the first year of being re-elected

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